'Love like soup' - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

'Love like soup'

nterviews Letters: H Cutler

H Bıçakcı striking psychological thriller type books, the last novel, 'and let the photographer's dark hero of the story introduced the reader of the novel. Schizophrenic character full of contradictions is a life-long sleep in their own self-teeth to eat in real life, people's inner self as a reference. Obsessed with creating characters and schizophrenic H Bıçakcı, also stay away from love stories. Also explains why: "Love, such as soups, ready-to me it feels like a theme. Moreover, even if the relationship between the characters so much karmaşıkken şizofrenikken and with it, a relationship with someone else? .. Also explain the relationship of a man with him, to tell the opposite sex love relationship is more interesting to me ... "

■ psychological thriller comes to your books. How did this interest?
I started out as the audience and the reader. Cinema audiences have a special place in me as a psychological thriller films. Literacy as it is. I think my head was the mode of operation accordingly. Stayed in the psychological thriller will write off as. There was something in my head and began to shed their self-developed paper. You probably already watched, I read things, the influence of psychological stress and went to work. So a bit of a self-evolving process. A matter of life, using the element of tension to tell people I find impressive.

■ Heroes often schizophrenic, obsessive types.
Usually it is. 'Dark Room' or if they are the most obsessive and schizophrenic character. Anyway so I do not even have the name of the character. Most did not want to put even the name for schizophrenia.


■ and let the story, the hero goes on the teeth in his sleep itself ...
People who like to eat himself to a life full of contradictions. All of us are eating ourselves to daily life. Vurumcu it out a little bit of a strange land, I have expressed in a humorous expression.

■ Romanlarınızda bus image is also often encountered. 'There were the romantic Korku'da bus,' and let there ...
In fact, two separate bus does not serve the same purpose in the novel. 'Romantic Korku'daki a mode of transport, but' Dark the Chamber is actually a mental journey. There the journey, the journey to turn into the subconscious triggers see it as an image. City bus is going to be enjoyed. Sci-Fi, explaining things such as mental journey, so we know to occur in bus design, I find impressive. 'Romantic Korku'daki bus ride than a physical journey. Did not know to go somewhere, like what happened there ...

Go on a journey

■ Do your own life journey to physical and mental journeys?
Yes, strange journey it has a psychology. So sit down and look at your head out the glass yaslayıp have a situation such as a kind of questioning life. A lot like me, experiencing a life of routine, continually visited and reached the same place you live in a triangle, in a moment a strange psychology going on a bus ride to go somewhere. A kind of a sense of alienation. Because he has the sense to leave the routine of your life. A road-making status. This is also a small question in life "stance" to trigger what we call alienation. So me triggering. I'm not someone who ride the bus too much, perhaps it seemed interesting to me so I ride the bus.

■ hero of the novel, a photographer, 'Dark Room' name is not sending the profession?
In fact, there are two significant status. There is a reference to the profession, but on the other hand have a life on the closing. Darkening and narrowing the walls of life. At the same time in the dark room, and round the world. Very few people, that very little space, and increasingly the world of an inward journey of the character is actually a deepening dark room.

■ In the novel comes to creativity. Photo exhibition of the artist and creative ideas have produced for the exhibition space. The author may also have an advantage you'll bring in this ad?
Maybe. Advertising is an industry that, due to rapid creation and for the shortage, very casual, maybe you could be making the case. In fact, the process of creation and the birth pains of a creator is told here. And I like what I see as a number of literary thing: the story of a man running behind İdeas also working to create a story someone else has it as a writer. There is a nested process of creativity.


■ Cinema taste of the book there. This is due to the cinema in the tutkunuzdan ...
Necessarily so. I really very impressed by the cinema. I'm guessing the average movie theater writers more impressed. Literature, I think even more impressed. Criticism of the previous books I was in a negative way as cinematographic. These people get as much praise, because I tried to do this.

■ Almost every movie, love story and the theme of the novel, such as sine qua non. However, you are standing away from contact with love.
I think that a decision like this, the novel heros have a relationship with him is so complicated. Karmaşıkken relationship with him so much, that was so schizophrenic, schizophrenia, such as the disease is actually a love ... This relationship is already a very shocking. This is a complex relationship to another relationship in which a hero, whether it is a side story, I do not think he is a wealth Kats. I have a lot to the mood of the character odaklıyım it. His love of this type to prefer to enter the inner world of chaos, such as major events of our everyday life, such as separation sulandıracağını job, and I want to do is upset the focus, especially for the way you think will come out of no love.

■ fiction is disturbing to say love your stories ...
Disturbing. Also, I personally do not like that. This is a very ready and to be curious about the subject. Love is a theme that seems to me very ready. Seems to me that the soup is ready, ready package. The relation of man to tell him one, with the opposite sex or a civil partnership can be? A love relationship is more interesting to me to tell.

My characters have a life unlike regular

■ Both the ad writer, novelist and life goes on as a continuous construct. A life for yourself how life kurgulardınız kurgulasanız?
Around me, a lot of people on foot or by subway cars, a bicycle can go places where life first. Other than that, but does not do another job, just do not have a dream that my house closed and yazayım novels. He comes to me very schizophrenic. Characters dolaşsa how the boundaries of schizophrenia, I think you create it, then the table is needed to draw a healthy working order. A common sense of a mad man to sit down and think, must be designed. Very careless, too scattered to tell a very regular life, I think a lot of mathematics have a working system. When writing, such as trying to spread the life of the characters, they are not working as a şizofrerik prefer working with a much more regular.

■ wants a life of your characters and vice versa, ie you drive ...
On the contrary even. Unlike calm my characters, have a regular life. My life is to be read, not a story be pursued. I think that balance is important in terms of layout. He lives scattered in a particular discipline have to tell. He needs to live a life contrary to construct their lives. This is my özelimde course. There is a brave yiyişi each yogurt. This may be different ways of course. I live my life in many ways üzmüyor know that, on the one hand is doing things different enough that it ilgilenemiyorum. For me, a situation so that nested on the subway, going home, walking down the street of the novel production process continues. Sit at the table in the process of writing the novel, passes in front of computer paper, 15 percent of 20 is actually part of the cast.

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