"Basins is unthinkable in a democracy!" - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Basins is unthinkable in a democracy!"

Working Journalists Day on Jan. 10 in a message published by the Provincial President of Saint Babuşcu therefore, independent and free press in a democratic state of law that by saving one of the most important elements of the press is not free can not be said that in a country where democracy and freedom.

Today, the most effective channels of communication carried by the increasing value and importance of the media, the public news-making, public opinion is an expression that guarantee freedom of expression and the Provincial Chairman, said:

"As long as the press informing the public correctly, the individual and society in a healthy way to evaluate the events occurring in the acquisition of belief, it is possible to integrate with society and build healthy relationships with the world. Is aware of their responsibility and converting this awareness into action with a press freedom, democracy deserves an indispensable gereklerindendir. to solve the basic problems of our country, providing contributions towards the development of democracy and informing the nation to press here, believe it is extremely important.

Within this framework, all kinds of democracy vesayetten arınarak raising standards, more civil, more modern facility in the direction of a state structure is extremely important to take responsibility for press here. Moreover, a restrictive understanding of the media freedoms shrink-oriented, but in an approach that advocates the expansion of freedoms and liberties, primarily the contemporary world, the press is among the most important principles of publishing.

On the other hand, many members of the press today, working under very difficult circumstances and the nature of the profession are facing greater dangers. Particularly in crisis areas all over the world, and many journalists working in conflict environments, from time to time to pay a heavy price to remain extremely sad faces.

At the personal rights of employees and improving the editorial independence of the press and institutional and legal framework, including provision of all sizes, each subject relaxed, free, independent and secure, to do the task, our common desire and responsibility. This is also the most important requirement of a modern democracy.

All press emekçilerimizin Press Staff January 10 Happy Day. All employees of the press on the occasion of this important day of peaceful, happy and successful career, I wish, I offer my love and respect. "

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