Fashion, hair damage is - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fashion, hair damage is

Assoc. Dr. Ulker Gül, and the perm chemicals, dyeing, bleaching, straightening very damaging practices such as procedures that must be kept in mind when he said

Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Associate Chief of Dermatology. Dr. Gul Ulker, hair entanglement to open the aggressive screening, comb hair, as seen in the form of significant hair growth and hair loss to explain why it happens to break on. Healthy hair care about explanations, Gul hair views from society to society-changing way of beauty, status, power, self-confidence, identity, marital status, economic situation in many other factors also represent the vehicle that was expressed.

Laughing, "especially women, most frequent mistakes at the same time many operations in your hair is to apply: Paint process shortly after the disfavor because of the re-paint-up, perm and coloring process with the use, permanently or paint immediately after blow implementation, frequent electrical plain ... One other factor such as using chlorinated pool water is in contact with. If the hair perm, bleaching or dyeing their application even more injury occurs, "he said. Today, many of the most important factors that trigger changes in the fashion of the Rose said, "Many of our hair represents a contained property, are subject to change by us constantly," he said.

You can call the former

Assoc. Ulker Gül, "perms and bleaching operations were performed simultaneously in a serious chemical damage to hair. Hair can not have a healthy appearance," he said.

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