Is moving to Istanbul in Istanbul with a new project? - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is moving to Istanbul in Istanbul with a new project?

University of Michigan designed the 'New Istanbul' project envisages transportation of the city center, the Black Sea coast. 'New Istanbul natural energy use, 55-km metro network, will be 21 km high-speed train and 43 subway stations.

Is moving to Istanbul in Istanbul with a new project?

University of Michigan designed the 'New Istanbul' project envisages transportation of the city center, the Black Sea coast. 'New Istanbul natural energy use, 55-km metro network, will be 21 km high-speed train and 43 subway stations.

Istanbul's city center at the University of Michigan, aimed at moving the Black Sea coast, "New York" (New York) and developed a project called appeared.

Prepared by the University of Michigan Master of City Planning, "New York" at the beginning of the project names, the world's leading futurist and architect of the university's Graduate Program and Project Design Team at the beginning of the famous American architect Roy Strickland and Tyson Stevens.

According to the project under the leadership of these two people and Gazeteport'un Haberturk 16 persons prepared by a design group. Architect Stevens's personal web site also adds to a portfolio of projects, sketches, maps and a presentation of photographs nature of Istanbul. Also an important factor in attracting attention to the presentation, often related to the words of Prime Minister Erdogan of Istanbul is serpiştiriliyor.

Gujarat Housing Inc. liquidated the prologue of the project later to be prepared, and a heritage of Istanbul, the protection against earthquake and other disasters should be prepared drafts of the city highlighting the alternative is specified.

Speaking at the former general manager of Istanbul iPhone; Habertürk'e orphan Moses, on the many projects such as working with many universities and hazırlattıklarını said. Orphan, "Work, more thought out and planned in places far from centers of life.

The goal is 50-100 years after taking into account population and other conditions should be ideal as a preparation for how to make cities. Prepared and to prepare such plans for several cities in Turkey continues, "he said.

According to the project, designed to be parallel to the coast will be brought in three crescent-shaped Ataturk Park. Thus, Istanbul, Manhattan's Central Park, London's Green Park as park of the city will be identified. Inside the underground city, lake district, the extreme slope of projects such as hotels hosting the project, energy, marine, wind and sun, providing design also provides for sustainability.

Will be built underground transportation systems, trade centers, exhibition halls, telecommunications centers, emergency medical units are. The project in the western hills, lakes and ponds are also available.

'I've been waiting for explanation APPROVAL'
According to project director Habertürk Roy Strickland, belirtmekle did not want to say anything definite for the moment, the "sponsors, waiting for confirmation on the project explained açıklanmayacağıyla. Then we can talk more, "while the description of the project architects named Tyson Stevens, the verify operation," Unfortunately, with the New Istanbul alone can not give an interview or comment, "he said.

Gazeteport New Istanbul project, claimed that Prime Minister Erdogan in Istanbul, designed for a crazy project, but who knows what the project Hıncal Uluç denied this claim in the newspaper Haberturk.

Prime Minister Erdogan himself listens to the project and the project mentioned in the corner of crazy "I had the phone in my hand froze. This is the craziest I've heard so far about the project in Istanbul. Someone tell me 'a thousand the number of projects' say to a thousand days should allow him to come to my mind. So crazy, "the words of journalist-author Hıncal Uluç'a describing this project we asked whether the project. Uluç Habertürk'e responsive, "Remote has nothing to do closely. That project is not such a thing, "he said.

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