Hollywood stars Skala'da fought this time! - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hollywood stars Skala'da fought this time!

Skala, 'Sultan ' Secret 'hosted by the film crew

Skala, Macka G-Mall Cinebonus sinemelarından realized yesterday's live broadcast, the world-famous Hollywood actors, Emanuel Bettencourt, Marc Dacascos, and 'The Secret of the Sultan' Omar Erbil entertained by the film's screenwriter.

Dacascos Bettencourt and the importance of this film for them, their roles, and the challenges they face while shooting dehlizlerdeki Skala'da shared their ideas about the people in Turkey. Erbil, the screenwriter of the film, the film's subject and explained the scenario phase.

Hollywood action stars, also live in the program, the action scenes also exhibited an impressive performance.

Scale 1 - Hollywood action star Skala'da!

Scale 2 - Omer Erbil, 'says Sultan Sırrı'nı

Scale 3 - Hollywood stars, this time fought Skala'da!

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