Wikileaks documents stir! "Wikileaks" was understood by the facts (current) - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wikileaks documents stir! "Wikileaks" was understood by the facts (current)

WikiLeaks documents stir. Wikileaks documents characterized the event as September 11 the world of diplomacy, focused on the content of documents.

However, some experienced American experts, the content of newspapers headlines adorning many, Wikileaks event because it would be the effect of short-and long-term diplomacy is more important than you think. Former U.S. President George Bush's "Security Advisor" Stephen Hadley, leaked government documents with each other and seriously think that affects relations with counterparts in the country where American diplomats. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who is the Security Danışmanlığı'nı, Wikileaks'in may be used, pointing said: "Some things are forgotten, but some things will remain. I think the most important issue today, not those headlines. Berlusconi or For Putin, the definitions already made by their own people. Wikileaks'i real issue is who kicked up about it. " Brzezinski, with Turkey as an example, the effect of relevant documents "appear to be calculated in advance," suggests.

Two famous experienced politician, was the guest of the American PBS television Woodruff'ın Judy. Brzezinski answered questions in common with Woodruff'ın Hadley, the contents of leaked documents, much of which serves the objectives, and long-term effects may be fed by whom it was.

Bush is doing wrong by accepting the advice to have resigned, while the Iraq War is a name, Stephen Hadley, said that Wikileaks would be harmful in the short term event. Politics is produced, the country is very important to emphasize the relationship between governments Hadley, "If you trust and to protect the secrets of other governments, may be reluctant to share with us the most sincere thoughts." he said. Hadley, "Secondly, the world's diplomatic positions of elements in the U.S., Washington, close-looking statements about people they can deal with their countries. To inform the President and the Minister of Foreign Affairs is very important. But now the public will know the fact that fear of being vulnerable or intimate relations with that country may be reluctant to become. " So what happened, saying that American diplomacy is very damaging for the process stressed that the basis of trust.


Zbigniew Brzezinski, the universe is supporting Hadley "Some things are forgotten, but some things will remain. I think the most important headlines of the issue today is not the ones." he said. Putin, Berlusconi, or to defend the definitions already made by their own people Brzezinski, "The real issue in this regard Wikileaks'i who kicked up. Junk and information are found that appear to be ridiculous, but it touches on some of the tip of a surprising places. For example, the Arab leaders about Iran thoughts, people can reduce the Cash credibility. " he said.

Hadley on this subject, "For example, emerging ideas about the Arab countries, Iran is not new. It was known before they are in similar trends. But it will be the headline in the emergence of a shameful secret. This is why people in future speeches will be less than sincere. " he said.

Brzezinski: TURKS ALSO LIKE seems calculated

Carter worked between 1977-1981 and currently is an experienced international Strategic Studies Center has been working name Brzezinski, Wikileaks'in not a matter of concern highlighted. Brzezinski, said: "The important thing Wikileaks'in by someone or some governments complicate U.S. relations with other governments to compromise can not be checked manipulated by someone. I removed some elements to the fore, and very touching too. For example, Berlusconi, Sarkozy and Putin gossip about, let alone the issue of Turkish-American relations without disturbing the potential impact of the Turks clearly seems to be calculated. " Brzezinski, Wikileaks'in, the process of seeking to manipulate intelligence and some of the units in certain purposes, he added the material you think may be taken.

Hadley also gave his support to the following words: "Maybe he thought this information might be useful to some of the information leaking into the intelligence units of the dumpster may be, we can not ignore."

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