"The United States, is opposed to how the bank" - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"The United States, is opposed to how the bank"

According to documents recently leaked to Wikileaks Hilları Clinton's last year, U.S. Secretary of State with a meeting of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, "how to get out of Beijing? How çıkışır Human bank?" he asked. The document is in the hands of China's 870 billion dollars worth of U.S. treasury bills being, the fact of the Obama administration reveals elements of a great pressure on. At the same meeting, Rudd advised the U.S. to accept China as a world power. Giving more responsibility to behave in a more responsible country should ensure said. On the other hand, other documents leaked to the British engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce, the company reached an important agreement, an army of Spain, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero was allegedly killed because the U.S. administration to take a stand.

Besieged ASSANGE
Australian prosecutors WikiLeaks'in violates the law of the founder of the Julian Assange'nin not violate any soruşturduğu Australia and the UK to Sweden because of accusations of rape Assange'nin stated that all legal action against the resort to the possibility of granting said.

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