NUTELLALI SUPANGLE - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


These days, what ideals the agenda, what you wake up in the morning to go to work have to be blind in the darkness, a ısınıp what a bitter weather, nor the things waiting for me at school ... So my life is boring Indirect missed? Answer: "It's very sweet yiyorummmm ".....

Yes, I like my chocolate çılgınlarının "I said" I am the mahmurluktan şuan.Kışın What Is, Is your family a great sweet dessert craze içerisindeyiz.Sadece? Long winter evenings watching movies on my wife's and my saying that I would not eat the corn popcorn dish plate. Plate I might overlook, but you know deep salad kaselerinden.Yani situation, but maybe in a few months now "deplorable" I'm sure will be a state.

So what do we call such a situation? "He also deplorable diet until the time came, do not stop continue to eat";)

Me seriously if you wait a solution is not yet recognized me:) It means a lot to eat that diet demek.Ben excuse to make more excuses in order to strengthen the continuous cakes, pies, cookies, dessert making, corn, nuts, etc.. ediyorum.Ama continue to eat fresh crisis within you and not to destroy the innocent things around if you have a little bit alleviate isteyenleriniz, here, the story of an innocent chocolate:

NOTE: This sweet kitchen excerpt times continuously occupied for the photos separately.


1 liter milk

1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
2 cups water
3 tablespoons cocoa
6 tablespoons Nutella
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
Built in:

-Milk, eggs, sugar and flour in a pan before flapping away to eat each other.
-Milk mixture and cook stirring until boiling.
Away from the stove-cooked in 2 cups water, nutella, cocoa and oil, stir mixer beat at medium speed for 5 minutes.
-Supangleyi hot bowl / cup / cuplara serve.

-Wait until the temperature drops, then refrigerate.
-Cool and beaten over the walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts or pieces of chocolate, decorate and serve.


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