EskiYeni. - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Monday, December 27, 2010


Kıvrılsam lap one of you, my hair okşasanız ... "Şşşşşşşşt," pattern, "all of them will pass."

Yaslasam one of you my head on his shoulder, wrapped use in kissing my forehead, when stopped, so we're far, I have peace of mind until yıkanana.

He tüttürsek of you non-reciprocal, sipping our coffees lokumlarımızdan We had a bite.

The Fall'u you take of you, I'm still half laugh, half cry, at the end "Did heis not very good?" say wet eyes.

Ip atlas of you, of you listening, 'din'lesek; throat go hit a tour of you, of you go to the top of Pierre Loti susmasak for hours ...

Atsam go Lunapark'a scream, skip the cities we have never been a sleeper train you add new parts, booomboş biralarla aside an hour of sit and reach Istiklal we should give it passes the point, just to throw pretzels seagulls Karakoy boat ride, laugh, laugh, laugh.

Happiness is like a wind on the esse of all of us, all the fractures silkelense 2010dan souvenirs ...

2011 wish, they are my ...

"What about love?" If you say, you'd love a thousand.

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