Albanian pavements mütedâir... - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Albanian pavements mütedâir...

Can Dundar Sunday Gunk Comments taken the wrong title:

"The CHP Ayaklanırken" he says.

"The CHP extracted" supposed to be. Anyway, you know your own. I also do humanity ...

There is a stimulus:

Today, the shortest day of the year. Therefore, early evening air kararırsa Do not panic, is normal.

Of course, when the shortest day of the longest in the night ...
The Chill also called "Seb-i Yelda" was compiled. In fact, this is the name of the night 21 Aralıkda six starts. The days but then begins to grow. But speaking in the language and only get edebiyatda

Used for the night of Dec. 21.

Fixed a famous couplet is as follows:
"Seb-i yelda muvaqqitle astrologer knows what?

Ask how many hours night who Mübtelâ gamma-t! "

Yahya Kemal also give you a kesmediyse:

"Seb-i-i ASQ qıssa yeldâda extended until Fajr,
Ta ki Majnun Leyla tells nutqunu ends. "

Speaking of Stock calendar: december know the value of this, because one in five "Wednesday, Thursday and Friday," There! However, a year olurmuş 1005!

I actually firing them the Supreme Leader, we young people to fulfill the task of lighting anlatdım etdiği ignorant people. The main location to another:

Gregor von Rezzori (1914-1998) Austrian writer named has a müdhiş. He is the most gorgeous book "Maghrebinische Geschichten" (Hikâyât-i Magrebistân)'s novel. Magrebistân, a mixture of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empire, so plenty of sauce and imaginary Balkan country. Finance Minister of the country for centuries and also yönetilmekde by Karakriminaloviç Dynasty centuries in the hands of Kleptomanoviç bulunmakdadır Sülâlesi'nin. The civil authority "Gospodarlar and District" is. The country's two most wise Nasreddin Hodja Effendi Aksakal with Rabbi Shalom Mordahay. The novel is the most handsome and sympathetic zamparası Magrebistân'ın geçdiği years in a young person named Akif Sâdıkzâde Siktirbey. Among the people love it, too much, "Mahbub-u nation" referred to by nickname.

At one point the idea of laying the cobblestone main street of the country's capital, Metropolsk'ün posed. Because the main street and a mud deryâsıdır Dishonest. Two drops of rain to the waist as if half the nation, but saplanarak dolaşabilmektedir quagmire. Matbuatda on this issue and begin discussions of political mahfil severe. Yapılsındı, lüzumsuzdu v.s. discussions will take many years, installed and distributed to the commissions, laying paving the main street and finally decided to install again. The start of the study also takes two to three years and hundreds of tons of accumulated mud off before workers see that there generations ago with a heavy heart temizleyince already furnished the pavement.

Anlatdım Why, do you know?

Kürdcenin discussed and written about the debate on the teaching came to mind. So come see some circles Kürdlerle almost sore throat. BDP at the opportunity to make this political abuse of the booty he knows. In terms of their own right. Against sides to pass when you receive it, I'd like to enâyilikden kasdî nets or would like to bury the ball!

Eventually, this problem is connected to a reasonable solution, but this business of the Ottoman, Seljuk and even more çözmemiş nine hundred years ago was already, a Mübârekler?

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