Numan Kurtulmuş'tan a first! - Fashion - Style - Trendy

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Numan Kurtulmuş'tan a first!

HAS Party Chairman spouse, has scored another first in Turkey. Social networking site Twitter to answer questions. Among the journalists in question were Kurtulmuş'a yöneltenler, an AK Party deputies.

Freed from the party headquarters from the computer by entering the social networking site Twitter, "numankurtulmuş" answered questions from the user's account.

Freed, "Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was in politics HAS Party MPs in Parliament can we see?" he replied: "God willing, the next parliament will be a strong HAS Party responded with".

"One reason you prefer to let voters say that the AK Party. I have not seen you in such a light that" comments on the Kurtulmuş, "a system of fair, equitable sharing, and 'as if' do not make a political determination karunlaşmamak, firavunlaşmamak and belanlaşmamak" message wrote.

HAS Party's foreign policy and the "Kurdish issue" perspective on the question of the Kurtulmuş, "tip of the compass fixed values of the people, will be the demand and needs, public freedom, justice and prosperity will be the basic principle of sharing," responded.

Candidate's own party member of parliament wearing a headscarf while on a question of whether to Kurtulmuş, "Our people and Our Association öngörürse and the candidate will be shown," he wrote.

The AK Party Sözen question

The AK Party Istanbul deputy Edibe Sözen "according to the book called The Birth of a Leader, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to you 'do politics, press my shoulder" he said. This is a comment I want word "Comments Kurtulmuş," We happen to anyone's shoulder, or pressing, but with we prefer to do politics by sharing, "responded.

Felicity Party after leaving the question of national opinion çıkartmadığı Kurtulmuş remove his shirt, "We are not policy shirts or costumes, ideas, and ideals within the framework of the program will do," replied.

Confusion about the Muslim party, the left and on the question of where this concept Kurtulmuş HAS Party, "Our party is used to create confusion about. We are building a party is the center of the nation. It also left the country in the Muslim right," he wrote ..

Higher Education Council and also asked their views about Kurtulmuş Cem houses, the removal of HEC, said there needs to gain legal status in cemevlerinin.

Freed, the views on the question of the Ataturk Ataturk is the common value of the country, is the leader of the Independence struggle, and everyone said that respect for the struggle.

The AK Party, the Party continued to question whether the Kurtulmuş that his party continues in Turkey, unfair, broken system and programs from the public said that it is an alternative.

Questions relating to education in mother tongue Kurtulmuş, "Mother's milk as the main language is halal. Elective Everyone has the right to teach as a native language and local cultures," a phrase.

Freed, and then invited everyone to the party congress of the usual 28 in November.

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